Weinakademie Österreich

Application form

Diploma in Wines course DSE MAY 2024 *
Course no DSE MAY 24: D 1 - 2 | AUSTRIA, Rust | EUR 1,800.--
Course no DSE MAY 24: D 1 - 3 | AUSTRIA, Rust | EUR 4,395.--
Course no DSE MAY 24: D 1 - 7 | AUSTRIA, Rust | EUR 6,440.--

first name: * surname: *
street: *
postcode: * town: *
country *
phone number(daytime)
e-mail: *
Please enter the e-mail again.
occupation/area of business:
 Please upload a copy of your certificate:
WSET candidate no:

invoice address (if different from delivery address)
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I have read and accept the registration and cancellation terms for this seminar.
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